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Zhuque Mountain National Forest Park Introduction

Zhuque Mountain National Forest Park is located in the Fengman District of Jilin City, approximately ten kilometers southeast of the city center. Among the many beautiful mountains and waters in Jilin, Zhuque Mountain ranks first among the four famous mountains in Jilin City. The park covers a total area of 5662 hectares, with the highest peak, Zhuque Peak, standing at an altitude of 872.2 meters, and the second highest, Xunmeng Peak, at 817 meters. It is part of the Laoye Ridge mountain range in the Changbai Mountains and the Hada Ridge branch in Jilin. With a forest coverage rate of 70.4%, it was approved as a national forest park by the National Forestry Administration in 2001 and was rated as a national 4A-level tourist attraction in 2019.

The park currently offers two tourist routes: the "Zhuque Xunmeng Scenic Area" and the "28 Kilometer Scenic Loop." The Zhuque Xunmeng Scenic Area includes the Xunmeng Peak, Shenzhu Rock, and Shenying Rock as the main natural stone viewing areas; a natural ecological tourism area featuring blooming flowers, forest streams, and red leaves with rime ice; a cultural sightseeing area featuring the large temple Bodhi Temple, Jilin Fossil Museum, and cliff carvings of the Ming Dynasty shipyard ruins; a leisure and entertainment area featuring Zhuque Lake and the Forest Living Room; and a sports experience area focusing on mountaineering, skiing, and outdoor activities. The 28 Kilometer Scenic Loop includes seven major attractions: Xinglian Lover's Valley, Rhododendron Sea, Bai Bi Rock, Que Ti Dong Mountain, Sleeping Buddha Viewing Platform, Red Leaf Corridor, and Zhuque Cloud Top.

Zhuque Mountain National Forest Park boasts lush forests, vast and majestic, creating a spectacular view. It merges with the clear Songhua Lake and the beautiful Songhua River to form a magnificent landscape of splendid mountains and waters. Standing atop Zhuque Mountain, one can enjoy the scenic beauty of the vast forest, the shimmering lake, the winding Songhua River, and the picturesque landscape of Jilin City.

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